Wednesday, August 26, 2009

3 string resonator

Well it's almost done I put the strings on her and set her up last night. I think she sounds great, I am very happy with the response the folks that have seen her have had. Keni Lee seemed very excited with the look and would like to see one as a 4 stringer. I might just make him one and build one for myself while I am at it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Well it's kind of late but when you have a day job. You have to work on CBG's when you can. I just finished installing the frets. Next step is going to be the nut and tailstock.

I really think the Bacote fingerboard with the Tiger Maple binding is going to be a show stopper. I think I am gong to use Corian for the nut and either make the tailstock or use my last hinge. My supplier moved and I have not been able to find anyone else that carries that style.

I have to say that the weight of this CBG is pretty cool. I can't wait to see if the steel in the neck has any noticeable impact on the sound. I am leaning towards adding brass corners to this model just to dress it up even more. That's all for now - Jim

Monday, August 17, 2009

Another great one from Mr. Keni Lee Burgess

Man those day jobs sure get in the way of guitar building.......

So the new build is underway ... Dobo inspired 3 string with resonator cone and cover, tiger maple binding on bocote fingerboard, sloted headstock, re-enforced neck and f-holes. I am certain there will be a few more tricks as the build continues.

Hey check out Keni Lee Burgess' he has a gig playing Time Square starting this month. I wish I was going to be able to make it. If you are in the area you ought to check him out. Oh and take a couple of bucks to throw in the hat for him. We have to support the arts... Who else will. Stay tuned......