Friday, September 16, 2011

Really, another slide?

As you can see I own my share of slides, and I do rotate between them. Last week I was talking to Keni Lee Burgess, and he told me about a new bone slide he just received. It was a little pricey..... Then he said "But, it was worth it".... HMMMMM Worth it! kept ringing in my head...... HMMMMM, the next thing I know I'm typing up this post and saying. Sell what you have to and get you one of these. "It's worth it"

Tell Adam - Jim Mitchell and Keni Lee sent you....

actually if you call Adam and tell him I sent you he'll sell you a slide for $40.00 plus shipping.... Wait a minute! That's more then I paid.... LOL


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lone Wolf and Blues Beaten Redshaw at Muddy Roots.

All indications are for those of us that weren't at muddy roots, we missed something special! Here is a picture of Bruno aka Lone wolf and Gavin aka Blues beaten Redshaw playing a couple of my 3 string cbgs for a pick up crowd...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Every ending is a new beginning, isn't it?

Well tonight I loaded up the car with the suitcase reso and headed over to Orlando just meet up with Rev. Nix and BluesBeaten Redshaw. Those boys are going to meet up with Husky for MuddyRoots and the big hand off will take place. This picture is of BBR amazing us with is considerable skill and talent.

I really enjoy hearing my instruments in the hands of someone that really knows what they doing....Believe me Red knows what he is doing.....