Hey Gang,
Here's the latest from the shop.... It's a 3 string cake pan new tricks include new headstock design. (a ton more work) Open D tuning and checkout the "thru-bod" tail piece....Open the box from the back to change strings. Thanks to everyone that has been checking out the website. Sign in and leave a comment or two. I would love to hear what you think. Or email me I'll keep you posted on whats in the shop.... Make certain you check out Keni Lee Burgess new instructional video on youtube.... Very cool.....
Hey there, Jim! Your Aunt Christina and I are sitting at Java House in Nairobi connected to the internet via their 'hot spot' and listening to you play your CBG. How interesting is this!! We were just thinking of you two when I got this email from Angel and followed the directions to your blog. Great stuff! We can't wait to see and hear one of your creations in person. Aunt Christina wanted me to tell you that she's so proud of you, but actually, she always has been.